Tuition & Fees FAQs

How will I receive my billing statement?

Students will receive their billing statement electronically to their Bellin College email prior to the start of the semester. Students will also be able to view their billing statement in the MyBC student portal, under the Document Tracking menu for the specific term they are enrolled in.

Can I have my billing statement sent to a non-Bellin College email?

No, all official emails are communicated through a student’s Bellin College email address. This includes emails from the Bursar, Financial Aid, and Registrar’s offices regarding important academic information. If a student wants these emails to be sent to a non-college email address (personal, parent, employer, etc.) they will need to forward the email on to a specific individual themselves.

What if I receive a billing statement that does not include my financial aid?

Bellin College does not list financial aid on a student’s billing statement if there are outstanding requirements that need to be completed. This can include completing a FAFSA for the academic year, accepting their award offer in the MyBC portal, or necessary loan requirements.

For Direct Loans, a student must complete the master promissory note and entrance counseling before the loan is credited to the tuition account. Every student that receives a Department of Education Loan receives entrance counseling to ensure that the student knows his/her responsibility for the repayment of the loan. Instructions on how to complete both your Direct Loan Master Promissory Note and entrance counseling are sent to the student via their Bellin College email.

What if my billing statement does not list my Private Educational Loan and/or outside scholarship?

Any Private Educational Loans and/or outside scholarship(s) are posted once the college has received the payment.  

Once the bank loan process is completed by the borrower(s) the semester loan amount is sent and disbursed to your college account. Loans completed near or during the semester are sent approximately 10 days after the loan is finalized.

Outside scholarships are received throughout the semester, with the majority received before September 1st. If your college account does not reflect this payment by September 1st, you should contact the scholarship source to confirm that it was mailed.  In the event it is being sent later in the semester, or after the completion of your first semester, families should budget and apply this award toward a future semester bill.

Will I receive an updated billing statement if I withdraw from a course or a payment is received?

No, billing statements are sent at the beginning of the semester. Students can view any updated account activity, including payments, in the MyBC portal by selecting the My Ledger menu and choosing the appropriate term. The Overall Balance will reflect all charges and credits applied to the term regardless of when the initial billing statement was processed.

How do I know when the tuition due dates are each semester?

Due dates are listed on the Academic Calendar for each semester.

Does Bellin College have out-of-state tuition?

Bellin College does not discriminate between in- or out of state students when determining tuition and fees costs.

What is Bellin College’s payment policy?

Payment due dates will be set prior to each semester and listed on the academic calendar.  Students will be notified of the payment due date for each term via their electronic billing statement.

Payment must be made on or before the payment due date for that semester. Students with past-due balances may be blocked from online course access and will not be permitted to register/enroll for a subsequent semester until approved payment arrangements are made with the Bellin College Bursar.

Are there late fees and penalties?

Failure to make a payment by the established due date will result in a $25 late fee per month and restricted attendance in Bellin College courses until the balance is satisfied. Payments made through private loan financing must be received by the due date to avoid late fees.

What payment methods does Bellin College offer?

Bellin College accepts online payments by credit/debit card, checking or savings accounts as well as cash or check payment for tuition and fees.

How to Submit a Payment

  • By mail to Bellin College, Attn:/Bursar Office, 3201 Eaton Rd. Green Bay, WI 54301
  • Online payment by ACH or Credit Debit Card
  • In-Person at Student Services One-Stop, Monday through Friday 8:00am – 4:30pm (cash and check only)

Each semester’s costs are due by the established due date. Any charges or credits applied to the student’s account after the initial bill will appear on the student’s My Ledger in the MyBC portal. Payment in full is the only option for students enrolled at Bellin College who do not enroll in the semester payment plan.

Semester Payment Plan
Bellin College offers a Semester Payment Plan that allows students to take the semester balance and divide the balance into equal payments due the 1st of each month over the course of the semester. Fall and spring semester payment plans allow for four payments, and the summer payment plan allows for three payments.

There is a non-refundable $15.00 enrollment fee charged to the student account per semester. To enroll the student must complete the semester payment plan enrollment form and return the form to the Bursar Office prior to semester due date. The Bursar Office will enroll the student in the semester payment plan and send an email confirmation with payment amounts to the student once enrolled.



Private Educational Loans
A private educational loan may be an alternative method of payment. The private educational loan is taken out in the student’s name and is responsible for repayment of the private educational loan.

When determining the loan amount needed, consider the amount needed to cover the academic year. The loan will then be disbursed proportionally between fall, spring, and summer semesters.

Additional information on private educational loans can be found HERE.

PLUS Loans
Parents of dependent undergraduate students (enrolled at least half-time) may borrow up to the total cost of education minus other financial assistance through the PLUS Loan program. The PLUS loan application can be completed online at The student must have filed a FAFSA application for the current academic year for the parent to apply for the PLUS loan. The parent is the responsible party for repayment of the PLUS Loan for undergraduate students.

Graduate students that are enrolled in degree program (at least half-time) may borrow up to the total cost of education minus other financial assistance through the PLUS Loan program.

The Graduate PLUS loan application can be completed online at As a graduate student, a FAFSA application for the current academic year must be completed prior to completing the PLUS loan application.

Outside Scholarships
Any student who has received a scholarship(s) from an outside source to be credited to the Bellin College account will need to notify the scholarship entity to have the funds sent to Bellin College. Once a scholarship is received, Bellin College will apply the scholarship to the student’s account. If the check is addressed to both Bellin College and the student, a notice will be sent via email to the student to endorse the check. If a check is sent directly to the student, it needs to be to the Bursar Office in order to be credited to their student account.

May I audit a class?

Students who wish to enroll in course or courses without receiving credit, may audit any course (clinical, project, and practicum courses are not eligible for audit). The tuition charge for auditing a course is one-third the regular per-credit rate for that course.

What does it mean if there is a hold on my account?

If a student fails to meet the tuition payment deadline a hold will be placed on the account.  This prevents the student from being able to access course material and/or register for additional courses. The hold is released when adequate arrangements are made with the Bursar.

Why would I receive a check from Bellin Health?

If you pay more than you owe or if you receive more than enough financial aid to cover your bill, creating a credit balance (overpayment), the College will process a refund check. This typically occurs toward the beginning of the semester when we receive loan disbursements. Students are notified through email when a refund check is available to be picked up in Student Services One-Stop Office. Refund checks can also be mailed per the student’s request. Refund checks are not processed until after the add/drop period has passed for the semester.

Students who have an overpayment on their student account can also request to have the credit balance held on their student account for future charges. To request the credit balance to be held, the student should notify the Bursar Office by emailing

The Bursar Office maintains student billing accounts, prepares statements and accepts payments. We are happy to assist you with all your billing questions and concerns.


Jennifer Clayton
Phone: (920) 433-6640
Fax: (920) 433-1922

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