Lucyanna Hitch Award for Excellence

Application Cover Form 2024-2025

Eligibility: Eligible applicants include candidates for graduation in good standing from October 2024, December 2024 and May 2025.

Criteria:  Behaviors which consistently demonstrate, and best exemplifies, Bellin College values.

Lucyanna Hitch Award for Excellence Application Cover Form

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Please attach a narrative describing your mastery of all of the College values throughout your educational program, providing detailed evidence. The narrative should be typed in APA format and uploaded as a pdf. The College Values are: Excellence - being the best; Integrity - honest and ethical behavior; Community - partnership and shared participation; Caring - empowering relationships based on empathy and respect. All values must be included in your narrative. Applications are submitted to reviewers anonymously.
    Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 50 MB.

    Recommendation Needed:  Please request a Bellin College employee, whom you feel could best represent you, provide a confidential recommendation form. This can be filled out online: Lucyanna Hitch Recommendation Form.  You should provide your reference this link as well as a list of outside activities, on campus involvement, volunteer activities, etc.  Only one recommendation form is required and will be considered.  

    NOTE: The following faculty may not provide recommendations as they are serving on the selection committee: Claudia Noonan, Ben Englebert, Joleen Schulz.

    Application Submission:  The application form, written narrative, and recommendation form are all required to be considered for the award. 

    All applications remain confidential.  The award recipient will be announced at spring commencement ceremony.

    Questions should be directed to the 2024-2025 Selection Committee Chairperson:

    Claudia Noonan, Librarian
    (920) 433-6660  |

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