Alumni Spotlight – Betty Voermans Weizenicker
Betty Voermans Weizenicker | 1976 Nursing Graduate
What program did you graduate from at Bellin College?
Bellin College of Nursing 3-year diploma
Tell us about your career post-graduation:
I enjoyed an amazing 40-year nursing career, the initial 20 years providing direct patient care and the remaining 20 years leading clinical services for a national health insurer. Following graduation, I chose my first position as a staff nurse on a general medical/surgical floor at St. Vincent Hospital, which provided a broad variety of clinical experiences for me as a new grad. I quickly knew I was off to a great start, knowing with confidence how well Bellin had prepared me! My patient care opportunities continued on and included, home health, oncology, surgical, and obstetrics.
On the payor side, my career focus was on developing services and programs, including health coaching, that supported and engaged members in their own health journey to achieve the incremental goals set forth in their doctor’s treatment plan. In my final role prior to retirement, VP of Clinical Services, I experienced and thoroughly enjoyed much success and recognition for building organizational bench strength, developing and promoting many strong nurse business leaders.
What was your favorite part of attending Bellin College?
My favorite part of attending Bellin was its reputation for academic excellence. It felt comfortable in terms of class size and the faculty took time to know each of us personally.
Not a favorite and you may laugh at this, we actually were required to live in the dorm, Charlotte Fowler Residence, our freshman year with a house mother to watch over us and even enforce a curfew! That experience produced some great stories and memories for sure, but also many lifelong friendships that remain today
Tell us about yourself
– I am beginning my 9th year of retirement and am blessed in so many ways!
– Faith and family top the list.
– I have adult identical twin sons Matt and Mike and a daughter Lisa, who is the mother of my two adult granddaughters (Amaya and Kalei) and one grandson (Connor) graduating high school this year.
– I enjoy golf, flower gardening, cooking, interior decorating, theatre, reading, travel (visited 15 countries so far), and providing Pet Therapy with my golden retriever Skye. Recently we were invited to Bellin College’s newest facility to be with the students during exam week, this visit was extra special for me as an alumni.
– I am a volunteer Vincentian with St. Vincent DePaul doing home visits to Friends In Need providing various types of assistance. I enjoy helping to prepare and serve meals at the N.E.W. Community Center on an annual basis. I volunteer with the Service League of Green Bay, am a member of 100 Women Who Care, a WMCA Women of Vision member, and very active in my Parish. I’ve been a “Big Sister” Big Brothers and Sisters, and I’m so proud of my “little” who earned a bachelor’s degree in Education and is now teaching English as a second language in Spain.
– My life is full of joy! Nursing is a fabulous career and I am so grateful to Bellin for their part of my journey!
What advice would you give current Bellin College students?
My advice for current Bellin students is articulated so well in the wisdom and famous quotes of Maya Angelou below.
“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
“Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it.”
It really is up to you. Each day choose to make it great!