Diversity, Equity and Inclusivity Resources Hub

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) is a priority at Bellin College. DEI initiatives ensure students an opportunity to respect cultural and religious differences and freedom, and an inclusive learning environment.

Purpose of the DEI Resource Hub:

  • An opportunity for all to learn about Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.
  • Provides a wide variety of learning opportunities, local/national resources, educational videos, disability resources, and booklists for individuals interested in learning more about DEI.
  • Serves as a safe resource for students, faculty, and alumni to utilize to obtain the information they may need if they are unsure where to look locally and nationally.

Land Acknowledgement

Bellin College acknowledges the historical, ancestral, and sacred land of the Menominee Nation on which we are educating and working today as an institution…

Read the full Land Acknowledgement

Building Diversity

Training & Education

Incorporating DEI knowledge into healthcare professional schooling is essential for creating a healthcare workforce that has a focus on cultural humility, is socially aware, and capable of delivering high-quality, equitable care to diverse patient populations. Bellin College prides itself on educating students through its curriculum as well as involvement and training on campus.

Connect with Diversity & Inclusion

Interested in learning more about DEI at Bellin College? Please contact Dr. Benjamin Rieth, Vice President of Student Affairs, Enrollment, and Belonging, at benjamin.rieth@bellincollege.edu.

Get Involved


All events can be found on the BC Buzz. All DEI events are tagged as a diversity event.


Bellin College Care and Share Cupboard

We were thrilled to announce the opening of the Bellin College Care and Share Cupboard on September 6th 2023, a dedicated space on our campus aimed at supporting our students. The Bellin College Care and Share Cupboard is a resource designed to aid students in need of essential items. This cupboard is stocked with non-perishable food items, toiletries, scrubs, and other essentials. It is our way of ensuring that every member of our Bellin College family has access to the basic necessities to support their well-being.

This is an open resource for all students. We want you to feel open to use the cupboard whenever you need it. If you are running low on any food or household items and money is tight that week, visit the cupboard! Maybe you forgot something or don’t have time to run to the store, you can use the cupboard for that too! Our goal is for the Care and Share Cupboard to lessen your burdens and make things a little easier. 

The Cupboard is located in the lower level in room L18A. Students can visit the cupboard during regular college hours as many times as they need. We encourage students to take what they require. However, we kindly request that you be mindful of your fellow students, leaving enough for others. The cupboard will be restocked regularly. It is recommended to bring your own bag. It is important that all students who visit the Cupboard complete the exit survey using the QR code posted on the door. The survey allows us to know how frequently the cupboard is being used and what items are needed

“The Care and Share Cupboard is a space that is showing community in action. It is giving us the opportunity to showcase and to commit to our mission and values.” – Dr. Benjamin Rieth, Vice President of Student Affairs, Enrollment, and Belonging

For more information please contact campuslife@bellincollege.edu

Click here to learn more about the care and share cupboard

DEI Committee for Students and Employees

The purpose of this committee is to provide a forum for employee input regarding diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives (DEI), employee development surrounding DEI, and make recommendations for change to support Bellin College’s DEI statement and commitment to students and their education.


  1. Provide a mechanism for employees to make recommendations, provide feedback, and analysis of the Bellin College campus environment surrounding DEI.
  2. Review Bellin College policies that relate to diversity, equity and inclusion and make recommendations for change and implementation where appropriate.
  3. Actively promoting diversity initiatives on campus and supporting those students, faculty, and staff who participate in such activities.
  4. Continually review literature and other research to make certain that Bellin College remains on the cutting-edge path of nationwide diversity initiatives
  5. Engage employees in an inclusive community where everyone knows that they are valued.
  6. Cultivate attitudes, systems, and structures that promote equitable decisions and practices.
  7. Providing individuals with the resources to gain awareness and understanding of cultural identities and develop competencies of DEI through best practices.
Accommodations and Disabilities

Bellin College provides support services for students with documented disabilities.  We encourage students who have a documented disability to communicate their educational needs to us and use our services.

We collaborate with students, faculty, and staff to coordinate support services and accommodations for students with a documented disability in accordance with  Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Americans with Disability Act (ADA).

To learn more about the accommodation process, examples, support services for accommodations, etc. please visit: https://www.bellincollege.edu/campus-life/student-services/support-services/accommodation-services/

Speak Up - Reporting and Procedure information for incidents of discrimination or harassment

Examples of bias include but are not limited to negative and/or discriminatory conduct, negative and/or discriminatory conduct, bullying, harassment (verbal, sexual, physical), sexual misconduct, and discrimination.

It is important to report to protect every student’s right to learn in a safe environment free from unlawful discrimination and to provide a safe and inclusive learning environment.

Reporting and Procedure Information for Incidents of Discrimination or Harassment


Bias Incident Reporting Form

Resources and Programs

Indigenous Land and Resources
DEI Video Resources and Training

These resources include videos that explain DEI, steps to creating a diverse environment, and understanding and embracing diversity. These videos include learning opportunities, personal training and webinars, and further knowledge.

Transgender Training Institute, Inc.

A team of transgender and non-binary educators who facilitate professional development and personal growth training. 

Transgender Training Institute

LGBTQ+ Community

These opportunities provide local and national resources and organizations for the LGBTQ+ community members and their families.

  • Sheboygan County LGBTQ Alliance
  • Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG)
    • PFLAG Manitowoc County Chapter – 434 N 8th St, Manitowoc, Wisconsin 54220
    • PFLAG sturgeon bay / door county – Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin 54235-0213
  • Diverse and Resilient – To achieve health equity and improve the safety and well-being of LGBTQ people and communities in Wisconsin. 
  • GLSEN – GLSEN Green Bay is a chapter of GLSEN, a national organization fighting for every student’s right to a safe, supportive education. GLSEN Green Bay is a grassroots initiative, working locally in our community to ensure safe schools for all students, regardless of sexual orientation and gender identity. There are 43 Chapters around the country doing this important work. 
  • Sage – Advocacy for LGBTQ+ Elders – We’re a national advocacy and services organization that’s been looking out for LGBTQ+ elders since 1978. We build welcoming communities and keep our issues in the national conversation to ensure a fulfilling future for all LGBTQ+ people.
Religious & Spiritual Support Services

These resources include local and national Religious and Spiritual support services

  • Hispanic Ministries – Hispanic Ministry works with Diocesan and parish leaders to develop programs and services for the Hispanic community. 
  • Union Congregational United Church of Christ – Union Congregational United Church of Christ is a Christian fellowship where diverse perspectives may live together in the Spirit of Christ, and where all persons are precious children of God without qualification or discrimination because of ability, age, ethnicity, gender, race, or sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression.
National Resources

The resources under this tab include national resources related to DEI. They include, anti-violence campaigns and hotlines, Chamber of Commerce, Military and LGBTQ+ community resources, and other resources that students, faculty, and alumni may need assistance from.

  • National Domestic Violence Hotline 
  • The National LGBT Chamber of Commerce – The largest advocacy organization dedicated to expanding economic opportunities and advancements for LGBTQ people, and the exclusive certifying body for LGBTQ-owned businesses.  
  • The Human Rights Campaign – The Human Rights Campaign represents a force of more than 3 million members and supporters nationwide. As the largest national lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer civil rights organization, HRC envisions a world where LGBTQ people are ensured of their basic equal rights, and can be open, honest and safe at home, at work and in the community.  
  • Modern Military Association of America the nation’s largest non-profit organization dedicated to advancing fairness and equality for the LGBTQ+ military and veteran community. 
  • National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs – Learn about our national coalition of anti-violence programs and affiliates working toward systemic and social change.
Local Community Resources

This tab includes local community action centers, resource center, and contacts for DEI within the local area surrounding the college.


This tab contains websites with booklists for those who are interested in learning more about diversity, equity, and inclusion

Multicultural Resources

These resources include companies, websites, programs, and local resources that promote understanding, acceptance and respect across cultures.

Cultural Humility

This tab includes resources, articles, videos, and other resources that provide a better understanding and importance of cultural Humility. Cultural Humility is an important aspect of DEI because it can promote self-reflection and non-bias treatment of others.

Questions? Please contact Dr. Benjamin Rieth, Vice President of Student Affairs, Enrollment, and Belonging at benjamin.rieth@bellincollege.edu.

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