

New Student Spotlight – Jose Machicote

Jose Machicote | Nursing | West De Pere, WI

Congratulations on acceptance to Bellin College. What made you choose this field of study?
I want to help other people in my community get better

What attracted you to Bellin College?
Bellin College is always known to go above and beyond in teaching their students which is what I want to be able do for my patients.

What are you most excited about coming to Bellin College?
I’m ready to learn how I can help more people regardless of what they need.

Tell us about yourself
I currently work as a CNA at Bellin Hospital in the Ortho/Neuro Unit and I really love my job since I get to help all sorts of people and see them recover back to their normal lives. One of my hobbies is drawing, I was in the art program at my high school for all 4 years and I really enjoyed it. I ended up winning a ribbon at the art show in my last year plus the art teachers were very nice to everyone who took their classes. I also love to play Tennis even though I just started my senior year of high school. In tennis, I played both Varsity and JV matches and I had a ton of fun with the team since everyone was there to have fun. I like to stay active a lot of the time, so even if I don’t leave the house, I still fit in a home workout.

What is an item on your bucket list?
One thing on my bucket list is to visit every state in the country.

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