

New Student Spotlight – Ari Stingle

Ari Stingle | Surgical Assisting | Schiocton, WI

Congratulations on acceptance to Bellin College. What made you choose this field of study?
I always loved the human body and what it can all accomplish. I really got into the surgical aspect after I tore my ACL.

What attracted you to Bellin College?
I loved the small town feel and the community around it. It also was one of the only colleges that combined the surgical technology program and the assisting program in one.

What are you most excited about coming to Bellin College?
All the new experiences and friends.

Tell us about yourself
I come from a family of 6. I am a triplet! So within the triplets, it’s my sister Kendal, my brother Cade, and then me. I also have one older brother who is 23. I love to run and be outside, I also enjoy going to my cabin during the weekends and hanging out with friends when I have free time. As far as work goes I work as a CNA at Aurora Hospital and as a bartender at Anduzzies. I have 2 dogs at home, their names are Leo who is a mini wiener dog, and Ollie who is a golden doodle.

What is an item on your bucket list?
To go to Europe.

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