Campus Crime and Security

Preventing campus crime is a shared responsibility between the College and its campus community members. The campus includes the College buildings and property, and all parking lots.

Public apathy is a criminal’s greatest ally. You cannot assume that someone else has reported criminal activity. Suspicion is the only reason you need for contacting security.

Whether you or someone else is the victim, you should report a crime, suspicious activity, or other emergency on campus. There is a security officer on site during all hours the buildings are open to students. Please contact the team via many methods for any security need, incident, or suspicious activity. The Safety & Security Coordinator, Larry Potter, can be reached at (920) 433-6672. His office is room L48 at the Resch Campus. The front desks at both campuses, staffed during all open building hours, are available at (920) 433-6698 (Resch Campus) or (920) 433-4316 (Michael Van Asten Campus). Emails can be sent to There is an incident report available on Bellin College’s Safety and Security page.

If you contact security, please be prepared to provide the following information:

  • Your name
  • Location of the incident you are reporting
  • A description of the scene and suspects
  • A description of any vehicles involved in the incident especially a license plate number

The most important thing to remember is that suspicion of a crime does not require proof. If you suspect that a crime is being committed or has been committed, contact security immediately.

Security may contact the local police department for any actual or potential criminal offenses. The security officers can detain suspects but are not able to make arrests. The arrest of suspects is via the Brown County Sherriff’s Department.

Reporting Criminal Activity

If you are assaulted:
Contact security as soon as possible. Try to remember as much about the person as possible. Important characteristics to include: sex, race, hair color, length and texture, body size, clothing description, scars and other noticeable markings, mode of travel, type of vehicle, color, and license number. The campus will be searched immediately for suspects and neighboring police agencies will be notified. In many incidents, the victim may already know the name of the person committing the assault.

If you see a suspicious person or suspicious activity:
If you see suspicious situations, contact security at once. Do not approach the person yourself. Report the type of suspicious activity and give a general description of the subjects (number of persons, sex, race, dress, vehicle, and location).

If you receive a bomb threat:
If you receive a bomb threat, it is important to obtain as much information from the caller as possible.

Things to ask include:
1) location of bomb
2) time of explosion
3) type of bomb
4) what does it look like
5) what will make it explode
6) caller’s name
7) why

Observe the caller’s voice and any background noises you may hear. Such information may assist in identifying the caller.

If the threat is received in written form or via email, handle the document as little as possible/leave the message open on the computer and contact security immediately. DO NOT PANIC! Security will provide further directions.

Security Access

To access the College outside of regular business hours when the doors are not open for the public, each student and employee uses their Bellin College ID Badge. The Bellin College ID Badge unlocks the Main Entrance only at the Michael Van Asten Campus. The ID Badge allows access to several doors facing parking lots at the Resch Campus. Students can access the buildings during designated hours. These hours will be communicated. Once a student or employee withdraws or terminates from the College, their card is collected.

Emergency Phones/Call Buttons

The parking lots at the Resch Campus are equipped with Emergency Phones. The phones can be identified by their blue lights. These phones access 911 Emergency responses.

There are also Emergency Call Buttons located in the Resch Campus Wellness Center. Activation will access 911 Emergency responses.

Alcohol and Drug Policies

Students and employees should refer to the College brochure on Alcohol & Drug Policies and Sanctions. This brochure is available via the Bellin College website. This brochure covers College policies and legal sanctions, health effects, and campus and community resources.

Crime Log and Statistical Update

Campus crime statistics are updated and communicated annually via the annual security report. Crime statistics and policies are available in the Catalog and the Student Handbook. The College adheres to the provisions of the Clery Act.

The Clery Act requires any institution that has a campus police or security department, regardless of whether it is public or private, to create, maintain, and make available a Daily Crime Log. The purpose of the log is to record criminal incidents and alleged criminal incidents (including traffic violations) that occurred on college geographical areas and are reported to or identified by the campus security department. It is not intended to be a general, catch-all incident log. The log is designed to provide crime information on a timelier basis than the annual statistical disclosure.

A hard copy of the log will be available at the front desk of both campus locations during business hours. The most recent 60 days are available free of charge to anyone requesting it. For entries older than 60 days, the log will be made available within 2 business days of the request. Logs must be maintained for 7 years.

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