
New Student Spotlight: Keirstin Mulder

Keirstin Mulder | BSDMS General Vascular | Freedom, WI

Congratulations on acceptance to Bellin College. What made you choose this field of study?
I’ve always had a passion for medicine and helping other, and I knew I wanted a career in healthcare. I remember shadowing a radiologist and was fascinated with looking at diagnostic images, even though I never really knew what I was looking at. I think a career in sonography was always in the back of my mind but wasn’t something I really considered until now. As an ultrasound tech, I get to work within
healthcare, help physicians with the diagnostic process, and make a difference in patient’s lives. I also like the wide variety of specialties and the flexibility of different work environments to consider once I am out of school.

What attracted you to Bellin College?
After graduating from UW-Eau Claire two years ago, direct entry into Bellin College’s BSDMS General Vascular program is one of the many reasons I chose Bellin. I graduated from UWEC with plans of heading to PA school; however, I realized I was chasing a career I wasn’t truly passionate about. When I chose to pursue sonography, I didn’t want to wait to continue my education by sitting on a waitlist. I’ve actually started to get excited about my future for the first time, and I didn’t want to waste another minute to get started on this journey. 

What are you most excited about coming to Bellin College?
I am excited to meet and form relationships with my fellow classmates and professors while learning about ultrasound. I can’t wait for the first day I get to hold the probe in my hand and start looking around inside the human body.

Tell us about yourself
I have been working as a CNA at a long term/rehab facility, and have been taking some time traveling and relaxing before heading back to school. Last summer, I got really into camping, hiking, and visiting national parks. In August 2021, my sister and I headed out to Grand Teton National Park. So far, I have been to 7 NP’s with the hope of visiting all 63 within my lifetime. When I am not sleeping, I enjoy reading, baking, binge watching shows, snowmobiling, and spending time with friends and family. 

If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
Teleportation to travel anywhere I want.

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